Frisco : Mon-Sat: 8:00-5:30pm
Sunday: 10 – 5:00pm

Celina : Mon-Sat: 8:00-5:30pm
Sunday 12 – 5:00pm

Get to Know Lenten Rose

Quick Facts:

* Evergreen perennial – Zone 6-9
* 12-18 inches tall x 15-24 inches wide depending on cultivar
* Plant in part shade to full shade
* Large, cup-shaped, rose-like, usually nodding flowers bloom from late * fall to early spring
* All parts of plant are poisonous to humans if ingested!

Enjoy Winter Blooms

Lenten Rose (Helleborus orientalis & Helleborus hybrids) is one of those rare wonders, an evergreen perennial that blooms in winter! Hardy in USDA Zones 6-9 (some sources say Zone 4), it can handle the cold.

A bit of early morning sun is okay, but do not plant where it will receive direct sun all day long. Dappled sunlight under the canopy of an evergreen tree is okay, but this is not a plant that will tolerate afternoon summer sun.

Though it can be evergreen in our area, in Collin County it may act herbaceous. As mentioned, it does just fine in winter, but in the heat of a Texas summer the plant often goes dormant. It will re-emerge once temperatures cool in autumn.

Flower color varies, ranging from whites and pinks to the light rose pictured above. Expect blooms from late fall to early spring. Hellebores prefer rich, organic, well-drained soil. Cutting back flowering stems after bloom will promote new growth. Propagate by dividing clumps in spring once blooming is finished.

Native to Turkey, Lenten Rose brings a touch of color to North Texans winter landscapes. It is mostly trouble free if planted in the right spot, but be advised that all parts of plant are poisonous to humans if ingested.

Written by Tim Wardell,
Texas Certified Nursery Professional & Marketing Manager at Shades of Green Nursery + Landscape.