Shades of Green has a great staff of certified professionals ready and willing to help you succeed. We'll answer your questions and help you select the best plants for your location or project. Whether it's a small flower bed or an entire landscape, we can provide the knowledge and service necessary for you to enjoy your lawn and garden.
Meet Our Founder: Jeff McCauley
Jeff always knew he wanted to work with plants: he started his horticulture career at age 15 with a job in a retail garden center in Dallas. While earning his horticulture degree at Texas A&M, he started Shades of Green as a lawn mowing company with his friend and business partner, Rob Wier. It grew from there into the full-service plant nursery, garden center, and landscaping service you know today as Shades of Green Nursery + Landscape.
With more than 40 years of experience, Jeff knows Texas native plants and is an expert in drought-tolerant landscaping.
Meet The Shades of Green Nursery + Landscape Team
Shades of Green Nursery + Landscape thrives because of our incredible team! They're friendly and knowledgeable, and they love helping our Frisco-area clients create beautiful, sustainable outdoor spaces.
Jarratt Calvert
Owner / CEO
Texas Certified Nursery Professional
Texas A&M
Rebecca Calvert
Texas A&M
Toni Kennedy
General Manager SOG, INC.
Charley Buys
Nursery Manager - Frisco
Over 25 years of industry experience
Blaze Anderson
Nursery Manager - Celina
Fausto Delgado
Assistant Nursery Manager - Frisco
Julie Holland
Assistant Nursery Manager - Celina
Tarleton State - Agricultural Services & Development
Frank Baide
Landscape Foreman
Over 25 years with Shades of Green Nursery + Landscape
Jose Adriano
Nursery Foreman
Over 10 years with Shades of Green Nursery + Landscape
Justin Bryant
Tree Crew Foreman
Stop By Our Garden Center or Call For More Information
We look forward to meeting you and learning more about your yard and landscaping projects. Feel free to call us any time, or simply stop by! Most of the year we're open seven days a week for your convenience, and we'd love to send you home with some plants that are truly suited to the environment here in Frisco, Texas.