Frisco: Mon-Sat 8-4:30pm Sun: Closed
Celina: Mon-Sat 8-4:30pm Sun: Closed

Plant Profile: Sun Drops

Brighten Up Your Flower Bed Border with Sun Drops

If you’ve been searching for a low-growing, heat-loving border plant, that blooms profusely and can take a Texas summer with ease, then you should seriously consider Sun Drops (Calylophus berlandieri  and/or Calylophus hartwegii). This native Texas perennial is very heat and drought tolerant and is excellent for mass plantings or as a border in any full-sun flowerbed. It grows 12-15 inches tall by 18-24 inches wide and blooms all summer and into fall with loads of nickel-sized yellow flowers. An added bonus; unlike most perennials that die back after first frost, Sun Drops’ foliage is evergreen in most North Texas (Collin County) winters! If you plant in well-draining soil and don’t over water, you’ll have a sea of yellow blooms that are bound to brighten your landscape.

Common Name: Sun Drops

Latin Name: Calylophus berlandieri  
Pronounced: kal-ee-LOW-fus bur-lan-dee-ER-ee

Calylophus hartwegii
Pronounced: kal-ee-LOW-fus hart-WEG-ee-eye

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About the AuthorTim Wardell is a Texas Certified Nursery Professional and the Marketing Coordinator for Shades of Green, Inc.