Frisco: Mon-Sat 8-4:30pm Sun: Closed
Celina: Mon-Sat 8-4:30pm Sun: Closed

Plant Profile: Blackfoot Daisy

Blackfoot Daisy (Melampodium leucanthum) is one of the most popular plants we sell at Shades of Green. It’s a bushy, low-growing, native Texas perennial that loves hot, dry conditions.

It tolerates almost any type of soil, whether rocky, dry, sandy, or caliche, so long as it has good drainage. This plant DOES NOT like wet feet! Over watering it is the fastest way to kill it. Good drainage is a must for this plant.

Its extreme heat and drought tolerance makes it a great choice for rock gardens or containers exposed to full sun in a North Texas summer.

Mass plantings look absolutely stunning during the hottest, driest parts of the summer. The flowers–white with yellow centers–are larger than a dime, but smaller than a nickel and have a very pleasant, sweet, honey-like smell. Blooms attract butterflies, bees, and envious neighbors.

Blackfoot Daisy blooms spring through late fall in North Texas, with the most blooms during the hottest and driest periods. An unusually cold or wet winter may take out a few plants, but you’ll seldom lose all of them. If needed, late winter or early spring is a good time to trim older plants to control size. Plants grow 6-12 inches tall and up to 24 inches wide.

Common Name: Blackfoot Daisy

Latin Name: Melampodium leucanthum
Pronounced: mel-am-POH-dee-um lew-KAN-thum

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